December 15, 2008, Washington, D.C. – In Rasul v. Myers, the first case to challenge torture and violations of religious freedom at Guantánamo, the U.S. Supreme Court today granted certiorari,...
December 12, 2008, New York – Today, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) appealed to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals the decision of a federal court judge who ruled that the government did...
December 11, 2008, New York – In response to the release today by the Senate Armed Services Committee of a bi-partisan report almost two years in the making on the abuse of detainees in U.S...
December 11, 2008, New York – Today, Portuguese Foreign Minister Luis Amado said that Portugal is willing to accept Guantanamo detainees who cannot return to their home countries, and urged other...
December 10, 2008, New York – Today the United States Supreme Court will hear arguments in a post-9/11 detainee’s challenge to former Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI Director...
December 9, 2008, New York – Today the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) argued that high-level government officials must be held accountable for sending Canadian rendition victim Maher Arar to...
December 8, 2008, New York – This week, the Coalition to Abolish the Animal Enterprise Terrorist Act launched a campaign to repeal the Animal Enterprise Terrorist Act (AETA), a law that broadens the...
San Francisco, CA -- Almost ten years after the events, and after four weeks of trial, a jury in federal court in San Francisco today found Chevron not liable for the shootings, killings and torture...
Washington, D.C. – A panel of judges in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments in the government’s appeal of District Court Judge Ricardo Urbina’s order issued six weeks ago that 17...
Washington, D.C. – Following Judge Richard J. Leon’s decision today in U.S. District Court ordering the release of five of the six Boumediene habeas defendants, Center for Constitutional...