
Periodically, we gather recent developments and updates, historical highlights, or reflections from our staff in a concise newsletter that offers a unique perspective to our constituents about the Center for Constitutional Rights.

You can view and download an Adobe Acrobat PDF version below by clicking on any of the newsletter images:

Spring 2023

Spring 2023

In this issue:

  • A Message from the Executive Director
  • Majid Khan has finally been freed from Guantánamo
  • Reflections from the Legal Director; An Exceptional and Compelling Day in Court
  • Hear From our Current Bertha Justice Fellows
  • Southern Justice Rising
    • Environmental Racism; Progress Locally and Internationally
    • Combating White Supremacy
  • Open Records Project: FOIA for the Movement
  • A Splendid Body of Tigerish People: Our Annual Donor Thank You Reception Returned!
  • Ways to Give Back
    • Honor a life of Justice
    • Justice Sustainers
    • Thelma Newman Planned Giving Society

Spring 2022


In this issue:

  • Letter from the Executive Director
  • The Faces of Southern Justice Rising
    • Our Donors
    • Our Staff
    • Our Partners
    • Our Board
  • Ways to Give Back
    • Double the Impact of Your Gift
    • Justice Sustainers
    • Thelma Newman Planned Giving Society

Winter 2021

Winter 2021

In this issue:

  • Letter from the Executive Director
  • The 911 Effect: Reckoning with 20 Years of Injustice
    • Pathbreaking Litigation
    • Advocacy
  • Ways to Give Back
    • Double the Impact of Your Gift
    • Justice Sustainers
    • Thelma Newman Planned Giving Society

Spring 2021

Spring 2021

In this issue:

  • Letter from the Executive Director
  • Structural Racism: Dismantling White Supremacy
  • Patriarchy: Fighting Gender-Based Oppression
  • Oppressive Economic Structures: Combating Abusive Corporate Power
  • Abusive State Power: Challenging Unjust Government Policies
  • Double the Impact of Your Gift: Matching Gift Opportunity
  • Thelma Newman Planned Giving Society
  • Justice Sustainers

Winter 2020

Winter 2020

In this issue:

  • Letter from the Executive Director
  • A Legacy of Defending Popular Democracy and Democratic Principles
  • The Fight Continues (Rapid Response & Toolkit for the Movement)
  • Board Chair Katherine Franke Announces Matching Gift!
  • Thelma Newman Planned Giving Society
  • Justice Sustainers

Spring 2020

Spring 2020

In this issue:

  • A Message from our Executive Director
  • A Message from our Legal Director
  • A Message from our Advocacy Director
  • Justice Sustainers
  • New Board Member Profiles
  • Thelma Newman Planned Giving Society
  • Michael Ratner Campaign for the Next Generation

Summer 2016

Summer 2016

In this issue:

  • The Loss of a Hero: Remembering Michael Ratner
  • With You By Our Side: CCR at 50
  • After Guantánamo, a New Beginning
  • Black and Brown Communities Under Siege
  • Victory for Palestinian Solidarity Movement
  • Banking on Detention

Winter 2015

Winter 2015

In this issue:

  • Landmark Agreement Ends Indefinite Solitary Confinement in California
  • Fighting for Life Beyond Guantánamo
  • Together We are a Force for Justice
  • Sara Rios, in Memoriam
  • Historic #Law4BlackLives Convening In NYC
  • New Report Documenting Efforts to Silence U.S. Activists

Summer 2015

Summer 2015

In this issue:

  • Historic Decision in Turkmen v. Ashcroft
  • Providing Movement Support for #BlackLivesMatter
  • "It’s all Connected..." Letter from the Executive Director
  • Spy or Don’t Fly
  • The Many Injustices of Guantánamo
  • False Anti-Semitism Charges Undermine Palestinian Rights Advocacy
  • CCR Launches New Web Site
  • Update from an Ella: Cyrus Dugger
  • Challenging Communications Management Units
  • Martin Ssempa is a U.S. Citizen
  • CCR Honored in Selma
  • The CIA Tortured Majid Khan. Where is the Accountability?
  • Donor Spotlight: Rachel Porter

Winter 2014

Winter 2014

In this issue:

  • Victory! Stop-and-Frisk Reform to Begin
  • CCR's Support for Animal Rights Movement Takes Next Steps
  • Letter from the Executive Director
  • Bittersweet Progress at Guantanamo
  • CCR Fights for Free Speech and Academic Frreedom
  • CCR Files New Challenges to Ensure the Rights of Immigrants
  • Update from an Ella: Nyasa Hickey
  • Donor Profile: Linda Sleffel
  • Abu Ghraib Torture Case Moves Forward

Summer 2014

Summer 2014

In this issue:

  • Pelican Bay Prisoners Force Reforms and Win Class-Action Status
  • Inform on Your Community or End Up on the FBI's No Fly List
  • Letter from the Executive Director
  • UN Committee Against Torture Recognizes Clergy Rape and Sexual Violence as Forms of Torture
  • Challenging Unconstitutional Surveillance of Muslim Americans
  • Guantanamo: 10 Years after Supreme Court Win, CCR Continues to Fight for Detainees' Rights
  • Donor Spotlight: A Shaffer Family Tradition Continues
  • Ella Baker SpotlighT: Zamira Djabarova
  • Bertha Justice Conference
  • Huge Victory for Racial Equality in the FDNY
  • Justice Denied for Targeted Killings

Spring 2014

Spring 2014

In this issue:

  • Stop-and-Frisk Update
  • Vatican Forced to Answer to the UN
  • Letter from the Executive Director
  • Donor Spotlight: Bryan Kutner
  • GTMO: 12 Years and Still Fighting
  • Promoting First Amendment Rights of Activists
  • CCR in Brief
  • Update from an Ella: Jasmina Nogo

Winter 2013

In this issue:

  • Stop and Frisk Victory but the Fight for Justice Continues
  • CCR Victory Against Anti-Gay Extremist Advances LGBTI Rights Globally
  • Letter from the Executive Director
  • In Historic First, Vatican Summoned to Report Before UN
  • CCR In Court Challenging Executive's Targeted Killing Program
  • SCOTUS Limits the Applicability of the ATS, CCR Fights On
  • Bittersweet Progress at Guantánamo
  • The Human Impact of Pelican Bay Prison
  • CCR in Brief
  • Thank You to Annette Warren Dickerson
  • Update from an Ella: Ramzi Kassem
  • Top Ways You Can Support CCR This Holiday Season!

Spring 2013

In this issue:

  • Putting Stop-and-Frisk on Trial
  • A New Era in the War on Terror
  • Letter from the Executive Director
  • Guantánamo Client Profile: Tariq Ba Odah
  • Healing Iraq---And Iraq War Veterans
  • CCR Takes Anti-Gay Christian Right to Court
  • Justice Delayed, Not Denied
  • Challenging NYPD Surveillance and Islamophobia
  • Client Corner: New Pope, Same Old Story?
  • Ways You Can Support CCR
  • CCR in Brief
  • Update from an Ella: Aslihan Bulut
  • In Memoriam: Victor Honig and Donald Shaffer

Winter 2012

Winter 2012

In this issue:

  • Human Rights Law at the Crossroads: Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum
  • Groundbreaking Progress Toward Accountability for Abu Ghraib Torture
  • Message from the Executive Director
  • "Why can't you just be reasonable?": Update on Bradley Manning and Julian Assange
  • Guantánamo: Victories and Challenges
  • Spotlight on CCR Client: The Vulcan Society
  • Update from an Ella: Peter L. Markowitz
  • CCR in Brief....
  • Challenging Human Rights Abuses in Post-Coup Honduras
  • Israel H. Lindenbaum: In Memoriam
  • Join CCR Board Vice President, Alex Rosenberg, on a trip to Cuba

Summer 2012

In this issue:

  • Class Action Challenge to Solitary Confinement
  • CCR Wins Class Certification in Case Challenging Stop-and-Frisk
  • CCR Welcomes Purvi Shah
  • Message from the Executive Director
  • Guantánamo: Setbacks and Victories
  • CACI Victory and Moving Forward
  • CCR Continues to Challenge Targeted Killing and Drones
  • CCR Trains (and Dances with) the Next Generation of People's Lawyers
  • Update from an Ella: Nikki Thanos
  • Doe v. Jindal Victory and New Case
  • CCR Donor Spotlight: Mitchel and Linda Bollag
  • Michael Ratner

Spring 2012

Spring 2012

In this issue:

  • Exporting Hate: CCR Files Landmark Case Against U.S. Evangelical for Persecution in Uganda
  • CCR Takes on the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act
  • Update from an Ella: David Milton
  • From the Real Frontlines: Former Ella Bakers Deported for Taking Part in Pro-Democracy Demonstrations
  • Support of Occupy Wall Street
  • CCR and Allies Launch Communities United for Police Reform
  • President Obama Impedes Efforts to End Indefinite Detention
  • Victory in Washington State! Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Filed Over Boycott of Israeli Goods
  • Spain Investigates Bush Officials for Torture at GTMO
  • Pursuing Private Military Contractors for Torture at Abu Ghraib
  • Building the Case against Vatican Officials
  • Accountability for Yemeni Dictator Saleh
  • CCR Donor Spotlight

Winter 2011

Winter 2011

In this issue:

  • CCR and SNAP Charge Vatican Officials With Crimes Against Humanity
  • Guantanamo Still Matters
  • "The City Still Doesn't Get It": Judge Rules again that the FDNY Hiring Process is Broadly Racially Discriminatory
  • CCR Congratulates Yemeni Activist and Ally Tawakkul Karman on Nobel Peace Prize
  • Frank Mugisha Receives Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award
  • Victory for the First Amendment! Settlement in Goodman, et al. v. St. Paul, et al.
  • CCR Supports Occupy Wall Street 
  • CCR Donor Spotlight

Summer 2011

Summer 2011

In this issue:

  • Resisting "Secure" Communities
  • Good News in CCR's "Crime Against Nature" Case
  • Ten Years After 9/11 the Fight for Justice Continues
  • Case Against CCR Staff-Attorney Sunita Patel DISMISSED
  • The Fight for Justice and Accountability at GTMO Continues
  • CCR Welcomes Baher Azmy
  • Accountability in Honduras
  • Ella Baker Program Expands
  • Challenge to CMUs Advances
  • CCR Challenges Unconstitutional New Law in Michigan
  • CCR Donor Spotlight

Spring 2011

In this issue:

  • Guantanamo: 9 Years of Arbitrary and Indefinite Detention
  • CCR Closes in on Bush and Co.
  • Human Rights in Haiti - 1 Year Later
  • Message from the Executive Director
  • Thank You to Our Donors
  • Judge Rules the US has Authority to Carry Out Targeted Killings
  • CCR Challenges Louisiana's Archaic Crime Against Nature Statute
  • Secure Communities or Racial Profiling?
  • The Gregory H. Finger Fellowship for Racial Justice
  • CCR Donor Spotlight

Fall/Winter 2010

In this issue:

  • CCR and the ACLU Join in Lawsuit to Challenge Targeted Killings
  • The New McCarthyism? CCR Challenges the "Green Scare"
  • Message from the Executive Director
  • Standing for Racial Justice: CCR's Latest Victories and Challenges
  • Ensuring the Rights of Immigrants: A Critical Battle for Racial Justice
  • Progress in Effort to Hold Private Military Contractors Accountable for Abuse
  • An Agent is Knocking: CCR Responds to Increased FBI Raids of Activists
  • The Gregory H. Finger Racial Justice Fellowship
  • Thank You to Our Donors
  • The Copelon Fund for Gender Justice

Winter 2009

In this issue:

  • Local Police and Federal Authorities Crack Down on Protesters at G-20 Meetings
  • Standing Up for ACORN
  • Guantánamo Detainees under Obama
  • Shocking Revelations against Blackwater
  • Justice Delayed for Maher Arar in the U.S.
  • Message from the Executive Director
  • Ways to Give
  • CCR’s Accountability Project
  • Victory Settlement for Detained Immigrants
  • Racial Justice for NYC Firefighters
  • Black Firefighters Lawsuit Scheduled for Trial
  • Supreme Court Fight to Stop Criminalizing Humanitarian Aid
  • CCR Mourns the Passing of Marilyn Clement, Rick Wagner

Spring 2009

In this issue:

  • Wiwa v Shell: CCR Begins a Landmark Trial for Corporate Accountability
  • Guantanamo Litigation Update
  • 100 Days Campaign Policy Papers
  • Arar v. Ashcroft Oral Argument
  • CACI and Titan/L3 Updates
  • CCR in New Orleans
  • CCR Releases NYPD Racial Profiling Data
  • Accountability Time: Prosecute Bush Officials
  • Renowned Activist Lawyer Bill Quigley to Join CCR as Legal Director
  • Black Firefighters Lawsuit Scheduled for Trial
  • Donor Spotlight: Salah and Catherine Al-Askari
  • Victory for Mentally Ill Immigration Detainee
  • In Memoriam: John Leonard; Edwin Salpeter

Winter 2008

In this issue:

  • Challenging Racial Profiling by the New York City Police
  • New Report Described Shattered Lives of Released Guantanamo Detainees
  • After 12 Year Wait, Shell Ordered to Trial
  • Notorious Death Squad Leader Constant Found Guilty
  • CCR Increases European Presence in Effort to Secure Protection for Detainees
  • Guantanamo Uighur Detainees Hopes Dashed
  • Algerian Detainees Ordered Released
  • New Board Member: Chandra Bhatnagar
  • CCR Forces NYC to Pay $2M to Illegally Arrested Anti-War Protesters
  • Rehearing the Case of Maher Arar: Holding US Officials Accountable
  • Donor Spotlight: S. Chic Wolk
  • CCR's' Plans for the New Year
  • Top Ways to Support CCR

Summer 2008

In this issue:

  • Military Commission Charges Against CCR Guantánamo Client Dismissed
  • CCR Scores Victory in Protecting the Right to Dissent
  • Defending Domestic 9/11 Detainees in Court
  • Challenging the Green Scare
  • Holding Military Contractors Accountable
  • Supporters and CCR Fellows Honored
  • Fighting Racial Profiling
  • Foundation Funders
  • Donor Spotlight: Alice McGrath

Winter 2007

In this issue:

  • CCR Returns to Supreme Court over Guantánamo
  • Holding Private Security Contractors Accountable: The Case Against Blackwater
  • Letter from the Executive Director
  • Victory Against CACI
  • Filing Charges Against Rumsfeld
  • CCR Welcomes New Board Members
  • Guantánamo
  • Maher Arar
  • Pakistan and the U.S.
  • Victory for the LA 8
  • CCR’s New Website
  • New Orleans
  • New Board Members
  • Donor Spotlight: Barbara and Bert Aubrey

Winter 2006

In this issue:

  • CCR Files Suit over NSA Domestic Spying
  • Telephone Justice Update
  • Hungry for Justice: Vigil in Solidarity with Detainees
  • Remembering Ken Saro-Wiwa
  • Farewell to Ron Daniels
  • Cuba Travel: Know Before You Go
  • CCR Welcomes New Board Members
  • Foundation Thank You's
  • CCR Lawyers Go The Extra Mile: Guantanamo and the Middle East
  • Why Habeas Matters
  • Court Stripping Act
  • Donor Spotlight: Tina Rasnow
