January 29, 2009, Washington, D.C. – Today, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and the International Human Rights Law Clinic at the Washington College of Law filed the final brief in a civil...
January 28, 2009, New York – In response to reports of a possible promise by Attorney General Nominee Eric Holder to senior Republican members of Congress that he would not prosecute Bush...
January 22, 2009, New York – In response to President Obama’s signing of new executive orders today, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) issued the following statement: We welcome...
THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release: January 22, 2009 EXECUTIVE ORDER - - - - - - - REVIEW OF DETENTION POLICY OPTIONS By the authority vested in me as President by...
January 21, 2009, New York – Center for Constitutional Rights attorneys for Guantánamo detainees responded today to portions of President Obama’s draft executive order to close the offshore prison...
New York, N.Y. January 16, 2009 – Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit heard arguments in the human rights case, Matar v. Dichter. The lawsuit charges former Director of the Israel...
New York, NY – The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) has released the following statement at the request of CCR colleague Gareth Peirce, on behalf of former Guantánamo detainee Jarallah S. K. Al...
January 15, 2009, New York – This morning, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that France is willing to consider, on a case-by-case basis, accepting Guantanamo detainees who are...
January 15, 2009, New York, NY – Today, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) released its preliminary analysis of UF-250, or “stop-and-frisk,” data from 2005 to the first half of 2008, the...
January 14, 2009, New York, NY – Center for Constitutional Rights Attorneys for Guantánamo detainee Mohammed al Qahtani released the following statement in response to news stories today...