Incidents will not stop until hate stops
We extend our deepest condolences to the families of those who were murdered and the communities that have been terrorized. These shootings are inextricable from the rising hate in this country—against Jews, people of color, immigrants, women, and LGBTQ people—constantly stoked by Donald Trump and other increasingly extremist political figures. They are also undeniably the result of easy access to guns, including assault weapons specifically designed to murder large numbers of people in very short amounts of time. These incidents will not stop until this country enacts effective gun control and stems the rising tide of racism, misogyny, and xenophobia. We must come together in deep collaboration toward the world we want, working to build a society where we can all live in dignity. It is not enough to prosecute the shooter for the crime; we must stop the collective hate.
The malicious charges against our board member Leonardo Aldridge must be immediately dropped
We were recently made aware of the unjust indictment of our board member, civil rights and criminal defense attorney Leonardo Aldridge, on malicious and unjust charges stemming from a homicide police investigation that occurred in San Juan, Puerto Rico on September 21, 2018.
Mr. Aldridge was in the process of counseling a client of his who the police had already questioned as part of what was then a homicide investigation. Rather than being permitted to conclude that counseling, Mr. Aldridge was unlawfully arrested by officers at the scene.
Moreover, the government's actions, meritless as they are, seemed designed to intimidate Mr. Aldridge and all lawyers who zealously ensure that due process is complied with in every case.
Trial dates set for Abu Ghraib torture survivors against corporation abuses
On April 23, 2019 in Alexandria, VA, the trial against the U.S.-based government contractor CACI Premier Technology, Inc. is set to begin in front of Judge Leonie Brinkema. Four Iraqi torture victims sued the corporation in 2008 over illegal conduct, including torture, that took place at the “hard site” of Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, where CACI was contracted by the U.S. government to provide interrogation services. This the first case that goes to trial in the post-9/11 era against a corporation. CCR successfully reached settlement on behalf of 72 former Iraqi detainees against another contractor in 2012, in Al-Quraishi v Nakhla and L-3 Services.
Al Shimari v. CACI, brought under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS), brings claims arising from violations of U.S. and international law, including torture; cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment; and war crimes. Through this action, the clients seek compensatory and punitive damages.
American Son: join us for a performance and a community discussion
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On November 27th, join us in NYC for a viewing of American Son, a new Broadway play starring Golden Globe Nominee Kerry Washington and Drama Desk Award Nominee Steven Pasquale. Following the performance, our Executive Director Vince Warren and the co-founder of Black Lives Matter Alicia Garza will participate in a community discussion titled Raising American Son: A Discussion Guide. The conversation, a result of the partnership with The Opportunity Agenda, will be facilitated by dramaturge Jocelyn Prince and will develop as an open forum between audience and artist, in an effort to facilitate a broader conversation about race, racism, and the criminal legal system in this country.