Over the last several weeks, CCR has received 634 messages of support and solidarity with our clients from Sexual Minorities Uganda. As we head into court in Springfield this morning with SMUG, we are hand delivering all 634 to them. We are sharing just a few of them here with you.
“Stand strong. The world has your back.”
“I wish I could be there in person with you. To stand with you. To fight beside you. This fight is our fight - for equality, for an acknowledgement of our humanity, for rights, for life. Thank you for fighting. Thank you for standing up. Thank you for your witness. We are with you.”
“Stay strong! Sending love from Chicago!”
[caption align="right"][/caption]“Sending support in your fight against the exporting of homophobic hatred!!!!”
“Courage is needed, and courage you have.”
“Avec admiration , soutien total.”
“You all are my heroes - I read about your bravery every day when checking in on Twitter or Facebook. I send prayers for strength, peace, power and resilience to you today, and all days, and always. The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends towards justice says MLK. It is true. And you will prevail. And that will be a great day.”
“Solidaridad e igualdad a todos y todas = justicia”
“Much love and support from this queer New Yorker!”
“We Unitarian Universalists in Southern California send our love to sustain you.”
“With deep sadness and regret for the actions of my countryman, Scott Lively, I apologize for the great harm he has caused the people of Uganda. It is my great hope that Mr. Lively will be brought to justice and that some of the horror he has created for and inflicted upon the LGBTQ community be rectified.”
“Down with sexual discrimination. SMUG must remain strong and know that we, as South Africans, are behind them all the way.”
“In solidarity and gratitude.”
“I'm a queer Canadian who has been closely following this story and the courageous work of Ugandan LGBTI activists over the last few years. So much respect for all of you fighting for freedom and equality in Uganda and around the world. Love, support, solidarity from Canada.”
“Press on to the right of your freedom from persecution!”
“Concord California sending support and solidarity to all my sisters and brothers in your struggle and all struggles world-wide for justice, equality and freedom to love one another.”
“Sending love and prayers - you show amazing courage!”
“All in with SMUG. Scott Lively should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.”
“Continue to speak up, speak out and prevail. Thank you on behalf of all humans everywhere.”
“Not all Americans agree with Scott Lively. In fact, we would like nothing better than to stop his message of hate. We support your right to live your life.”
“Dear SMUG team, what a courageous and amazing thing you are you doing for human rights with this court case! As someone who briefly lived in Uganda (two short years!), and still deeply love your country, it's heartening to see people fighting for its continued improvement even in the face of negative forces like Scott Lively and those he's inspired in Uganda and elsewhere to hatred. I hope that someday we can all be free to be who we are in Uganda – and everywhere – without fear of persecution thanks to efforts like yours!”
“Be strong. Be well. Be loved.”
“I'm sorry we've exported someone and his ideas that are so hateful and vile. The United States rejected his ideals... at least, we're still fighting to do that.”
“Sending you solidarity and love and strength from Brooklyn, New York.”
“Your courage is an inspiration to people fighting for liberation for all everywhere! Thank you!”
“As a Christian and a member of an Open and Affirming congregation, I lift my voice in support of SMUG and all those who stand beside you in fighting for human rights in the face of intolerance and persecution.”
“So sorry that the U.S. has spawned people like Scott Lively and sent them as a plague to Uganda. Hopefully the court system will take this opportunity to shut these people down.”
“Sisters, brothers, siblings-- I stand with you even from afar knowing your cause is a righteous one and God is with you. As a queer woman in the U.S., I know very little of your experience as my own, but I salute you in lifting up your voices and being visible and heard. Deep love to you.”
“Thank you for the courage, intentionality, and resilience that this stand for justice demonstrates. My prayers are with you for the best outcome possible for your just cause. You already have the moral victory. Now may you have the legal victory. I cannot be in court but my heart and thoughts are with you. More power to you!”
“May your voice be heard, your personhood affirmed, your safety secured. Praying for justice and freedom for all!”
“Love is stronger than mindless bigotry.”
“Shame on Scott Lively.”
“The whole world is watching in solidarity. Do not give up hope.”
“I admire your great courage in pursuing LGBT rights in a terribly dangerous environment. Your work sets an example for all the world's people. Thank you so much.”
“Dear Pepe, Frank and everyone else, I just wanted to wish you good luck in this case and standing up for what's right. The world is watching. You are making history. Thank you. With love – “
“From Louisville, Kentucky, I stand in solidarity with you. Everyone deserves the right to express love the way they'd like. Everyone deserves to exist. We love you. We value you. Your life matters. Peace and love.”
“You are inspiring and very brave. Know that millions of people stand in solidarity with you.”
“You are in our hearts. Stay strong!”
“Praying for your success as you stand up to this bully.”
“Every human being is made the image of God and possesses a dignity and sacredness that no one may question. May God bless you and keep you safe in the palm of God's hand.”
“Justice for LGBTQI Ugandans is justice for humanity!”
“Lively has been deadly. I hope you make that costly for him.”
“Thanks for all that you are doing. The situation in Uganda is shocking, and Scott Lively has a lot to answer for. I hope you win. Good luck!!!”
“As a gay man from the U.S., I stand in solidarity with LGBT people in Uganda and around the world who face persecution. In the U.S., we know the bigots who export their hate. We stand with you in resistance.”
“I stand in solidarity with SMUG as a white straight Texan.”
“Standing in solidarity with you in Maine!”
“I am an American citizen living in Germany and I have watched in horror as my fellow countrymen have spent their energy and money spreading hate against LGBT people all over the world. I stand in solidarity with you in your struggle against Scott Lively and everything he and his ilk stand for. I fervently hope you win your case, which will give hope to other activists and perhaps give pause to the self-styled "Christians" across the globe who preach hate and violence in violation of everything Jesus ever stood for. Thanks for your hard work and for putting your lives on the line for justice.”
“You are not alone!!!!”
“All those seeking peace and freedom in the world salute you.”