A National Conference to Bring the Troops Home NOW!- Albany, NY


Add to My Calendar Friday, July 23, 2010 12:00am


A National Conference to Bring the Troops Home NOW!
July 23–25, 2010
Crowne Plaza Hotel
Ten Eyck Plaza
State and Lodge Streets
Albany, NY 12207
Purpose of the Conference
This conference will bring together antiwar and social justice activists from across the country to consider what we can do together to end the U.S. wars, occupations, bombing attacks, threats and interventions that are taking place in the Middle East and beyond. Attend and voice your opinion on where the antiwar movement is today and where we go from here.
We demand the immediate and total withdrawal of U.S. military forces, mercenaries and contractors from Afghanistan and Iraq. Instead of trillions
for wars and occupations, we demand those funds be spent for jobs, health care, education, the environment, infrastructure and other human needs, and that compensation be paid to the peoples whose countries the U.S. attacked and occupied for the loss of lives and massive destruction they suffered. The conference will decide on any other demands it believes should be added.
Our goal is unity in action while respecting our diversity and differences in political program and orientation. To help achieve this goal, at least one month before the conference convenes the co-sponsors will post on www.nationalpeaceconference.org an action proposal for the period ahead.
Attendees will have every opportunity to amend or otherwise change this proposal in accord with democratic procedures.
Any organization or individual attending the conference may submit amendments to the action proposal, proposed demands for the fall actions and beyond, and resolutions. A copy of all such submissions must be received by [email protected] or UNAC at P.O. Box 21675, Cleveland, OH 44121 no later than three days before the conference convenes — by July 20 — in order to be placed before it. In drafting submissions, please keep in mind that the purpose of the conference is to plan future actions to advance its “Out Now” demands. Resolutions that go beyond the stated purpose of the conference, however worthwhile and important, cannot possibly be considered in the limited time available. Anyone submitting a resolution or other document to the conference for its consideration that is longer than one short paragraph must bring copies in sufficient numbers to ensure that all attendees receive one. We do not have the resources to make copies for all attendees. Email us at [email protected] for further information on this matter.
Keynote Speakers
Noam Chomsky,* internationally renowned political activist, author, and critic of U.S. foreign and domestic policies; Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Professor Emeritus of Linguistics
Donna Dewitt, president, South Carolina AFL-CIO; Co-Chair, South Carolina Progressive Network; member National Steering Committee, U.S. Labor Against the
Additional Speakers: Joel Kovel, Dahlia Wasfi, Leila Zand, Cheri Honkala, Medea Benjamin, Pardiss Kebriaei, Kathy Kelly, Michael Ferner, Kevin Martin, Michael McPhearson, Nada Khader, Larry Holmes, Michael Eisenscher, David Swanson, Glen Ford, Blanca Missé, Pam Africa, Cindy Sheehan, Fahima Vorgetts, Kathy Black, Debra Sweet, Noura Erakat, Ann Wright
Specifics on Pardiss' panels:
Saturday, July 24th 10:15-11:45 am
Closing Guantanamo
Pardiss Kebriaei- Staff Attorney Guantanamo Global Justice Initiative at Center for Constitutional Rights
Nancy Talani- Founder and director of No More Guantanamos, founder and former director Bill of Rights Defense Committee
*Pardiss will also participate in a Lunch Program that Saturday entitiled: Freeing Ourselves From Fear: How Political Prisoners and Victims of Preemptive Prosecution are Used to Justify War and Repression (And What We Can Do to Break the Cycle)
The July 23 - 25 conference will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in downtown Albany, NY. For more information on the conference, phone 518-227-6947 or visit UNAC's web site at www.nationalpeaceconference.org and view the event brochure.

Last modified 

July 23, 2010