Emily C. R. Early serves as the Associate Director of the Southern Regional Office of the Center for Constitutional Rights. Her primary responsibilities include leading the expansion of the Southern...
Chinyere Ezie is a Senior Staff Attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights, where she advocates for racial and gender justice; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex (LGBTQI)...
maya finoh (they/them) is the Political Education and Research Manager for the Center for Constitutional Rights. As part of the Advocacy team's growing Political Education and Research hub, maya...
Katherine Gallagher is a Senior Staff Attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights. She works on universal jurisdiction and international criminal law cases involving U.S. and foreign officials...
Aliya Hana Hussain is an Advocacy Program Manager at the Center for Constitutional Rights, where she manages CCR’s advocacy and campaigns on indefinite detention at Guantanamo, the profiling and...
Brad Parker is Associate Director of Policy at the Center for Constitutional Rights. He leads the organization’s policy advocacy at the federal, state, and international levels, developing and...
Samah Mcgona Sisay is a Staff Attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights, where she specializes in international human rights and challenging inhumane immigration policies and abusive police...
Pam Spees is a senior staff attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights. She has a background in international criminal and human rights law. Her work focuses on addressing gender-based violence...
Leah Todd (she/they) is a Senior Legal Worker at the Center for Constitutional Rights, where she works on issues related to gender and LGBTQIA+ justice; prisons and detention; freedom of speech,...
Celine Zhu is a Justice Fellow at the Center for Constitutional Rights, where she works on issues of sexual and gender-based violence, LGBTQI+ persecution, discriminatory policing, environmental...