Nadia Ben-Youssef is the Advocacy Director at the Center for Constitutional Rights. She directs all advocacy around issues related to the promotion of civil and human rights. Together with the legal...
maya finoh (they/them) is the Political Education and Research Manager for the Center for Constitutional Rights. As part of the Advocacy team's growing Political Education and Research hub, maya...
Angelo Guisado is a Senior Staff Attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights, where he specializes in government misconduct, racial justice, and immigrants’ rights issues. His practice currently...
Ian Head is the Open Records Project Manager at the Center for Constitutional Rights, where he works on policing, racial justice, immigrants' rights, and prisoners’ rights issues. Ian has significant...
Ayla Kadah is a Justice Fellow at the Center for Constitutional Rights, where she works on dismantling racist policing and immigration practices, advancing Palestinian human rights and liberation,...
Adina Marx-Arpadi is a Justice Fellow at the Center for Constitutional Rights, where she works on issues of Palestine Suppression, Family Policing, and Abusive Immigration Practices. Prior to joining...
CJ Sandley is a Senior Staff Attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights, where they focus on anti-carceral and racial injustice litigation. They are based in Birmingham, Alabama. Before joining...
Diala Shamas is a Senior Staff Attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights, where she works on challenging government and law enforcement abuses perpetrated under the guise of national security...
Astha Sharma Pokharel is a Staff Attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights, where she specializes in international human rights and in challenging racial and environmental injustice, abusive...
Samah Mcgona Sisay is a Staff Attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights, where she specializes in international human rights and challenging inhumane immigration policies and abusive police...