Zogorski v. Tennessee

At a Glance

Date Filed: 

January 23, 2017

Current Status 

CCR filed this amicus brief with the Supreme Court on January 23, 2017.


Kevin Barry, Quinnipiac University

Case Description 

The Center for Constitutional Rights submitted an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to hear the appeal of Edmund Zagorski, a man imprisoned on death row in Tennessee. CCR argued that the death penalty, in all circumstances, is unconstitutional as it deprives people of their fundamental right to life in violation of the 14th amendment. CCR encouraged the court to join the world community in condemning and abolishing the death penalty.

Case Timeline

January 23, 2017
CCR files amicus in support of Edmund Zagorski
January 23, 2017
CCR files amicus in support of Edmund Zagorski