November 8, 2017 – The International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR), Access Now, Center for Constitutional Rights, Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO), CORE,...
November 6, 2017, New York – In response to the jury finding NYPD Officer Wayne Isaacs not guilty of murder for killing unarmed Delrawn Small in Brooklyn on July 4, 2016, the Center for...
November 3, 2017, Kabul, New York, The Hague – After a decade-long preliminary examination, the International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor today gave formal notice she will submit a request to...
Students demand urgent relief to be able to advocate for Palestinian rights on campus November 3, 2017, New York, NY – Last night, in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Fordham students...
November 1, 2017, New York – In response to Trump telling a press conference that the assailant in yesterday’s attack in New York City should be sent to Guantanamo, the Center for Constitutional...
November 1, 2017, New York – In response to a military judge’s decision to hold Brigadier General John Baker in contempt of court, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) issued the following...
Highest Court Rejects Private Prisons’ Petition to Limit Release of Government Documents October 10, 2017, New York, NY – Today, the Supreme Court denied a petition by private prison corporations...
October 5, 2017, New York – In response to Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ memo on Department of Justice employment protections for transgender people, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR)...
October 1, 2017, New York – In response to the escalating humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico, the Center for Constitutional Rights issued the following statement: CCR stands in solidarity with the...
September 28, 2017, New York – Today, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and the Allard K. Lowenstein Human Rights Clinic at Yale Law School released a report documenting the U.S. government’...