Groups Condemn False Conflation of Sexual Orientation and Sexual Violence in Former Vatican Ambassador’s Letter as “Wrong and Dangerous” August 30, 2018, Washington D.C. -- Clergy sex abuse survivors...
August 24, 2018, San Diego – A federal judge ruled this week that a lawsuit challenging U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) practice of turning away asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border...
August 23, 2018, North Dakota – Yesterday, a federal court dismissed the environmental movement Earth First! from a lawsuit by Energy Transfer Partners (ETP), the corporation behind the Dakota Access...
August 15, 2018, New York – In the wake of the Pennsylvania grand jury report detailing widespread sexual violence across the state and cover-up by senior leaders of the Catholic Church in...
August 10, 2018, New York – Today, the First Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed Scott Lively’s attempt to appeal a ruling from the district court to remove language that harshly criticized his role...
Order Calls for Pilot Program to Study Effectiveness of Filming All Encounters August 10, 2018, New York — Late yesterday, a federal court ordered the NYPD to begin using body-worn cameras to film...
August 8, 2018, New York – The New York City Police Department (NYPD) maintains a database that classifies thousands of New Yorkers – 99 percent of whom are people of color – as members of local...
August 3, 2018, North Dakota – Today, a federal judge blocked Energy Transfer Partners (ETP), the corporation behind the Dakota Access Pipeline, from continuing a lawsuit against Earth First!. ETP...
August 3, 2018, New York, NY – The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) was granted official special consultative status last week with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC...
August 2, 2018, Washington, DC – On Tuesday, nine NGOs and experts filed an amicus brief before the US Supreme Court in support of the Indian fishing communities and farmers who are challenging the...