New York and Madrid, April 13, 2011 – After a two-year delay punctuated by efforts to undermine the Spanish judiciary’s independence, the Obama administration recently told a Spanish...
April 6, 2011, New York and Miami – Yesterday, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security announced its intent to continue...
April 4, 2011, New York – Today, in response to news that the Obama administration will try the 9/11 defendants in the military commissions system rather than Article III civilian courts, the...
April 4, 2011, New York and Washington – Today, the Supreme Court announced it will not hear three of the Guantánamo detainee cases it had been asked to review and delayed a decision on...
April 1, 2011, New York and Washington – Today, the D. C. Court of Appeals heard arguments in the case of Nazul Gul and Adel Hamed, two former Guantánamo detainees whose habeas corpus...
March 31, 2011 - In 1976, 17-year-old Joelito Filártiga was abducted and later tortured to death by Americo Norberto Peña-Irala, the inspector general in the Department of Investigation...
March 30, 2011, New York – Today, prisoners in two experimental federal prison units called “Communications Management Units” (CMUs) won the right to have their day in court and...
March 28, 2011 - Sexual violence in U.S. prisons and jails has reached crisis proportions. Immigration detainees are at especially high risk for sexual violence and have clear disincentives to...
March 24, 20011, New York – Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, made the following statement on behalf of the Center: Len Weinglass was one of the great...
March 24, 2011, Washington, D.C. – Today, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) launched litigation against two United States agencies seeking information relating to the coup d’...