October 1, 2012, Washington D.C. – Today, as the Supreme Court opened its term with oral argument in Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum , Center for Constitutional Rights Executive Director...
September 29 , 2012, New York – Today, in response to the decision to return Canadian citizen and Guantanamo detainee Omar Khadr to Canada, Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) Legal Director...
September 27, 2012 – In response to the European Court of Human Rights’s (ECtHR) ruling in Babar Ahmad and others v. The United Kingdom earlier this week, which allows five men held in...
September 27, 2012, Detroit –The Sugar Law Center, the Center for Constitutional Rights and co-counsel have filed a lawsuit against Michigan Gov. Richard Snyder for his administration’s...
September 25, 2012, New York, Berlin and Madrid— A group of international human rights organizations and experts filed a brief today before the Spanish Supreme Court, arguing that the continued...
September 21, 2012, New York – In response to the Department of Justice’s release today of the identities of 55 of the 86 Guantanamo prisoners who have been approved for transfer, Center...
September 13, 2012, New York - Since the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) filed a formal request for an investigation one year ago to the...
September 11, 2012, New York – The Center for Constitutional Rights issued the following statement in response to the Defense Department’s announcement today of the death of Adnan Latif...
September 10, 2012, New York – Today, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) released the following statement in response to the news that a ninth man has died in detention at Guantá...
September 6, 2012, New York – In response to today’s ruling by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, rejecting a new set of rules restricting attorney access to...