CONTACT: Kevi Brannelly, Center for Constitutional Rights, 212.614.6471
Shonna Carter, Riptide Communications, 212.260.5000
August 5, 2011, New York, NY—In reaction to a Resolution passed this week by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) urging the United States to close the detention facility at Guantánamo, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) released the statement below. The IACHR's Resolution was passed in response to CCR’s advocacy before the Commission in conjunction with the Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL).

Photo of Djamel Ameziane
CCR applauds the resolution passed by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) urging the United States to close the detention facility at Guantánamo, and says the United States should comply with the IACHR Resolution by disclosing the identities of the 89 men who have been cleared for transfer from Guantánamo but remain in detention. The United States government should also comply with the IACHR Resolution by providing individualized and independent review of transfer decisions, especially regarding transfers to Algeria, a country to which two men have been forcibly repatriated by the Obama administration.
Said Leili Kashani from CCR, “Even President Bush disclosed the names of the men who were cleared for release, and there is no reason for President Obama to make this information secret. President Obama promised more transparency and less secrecy in government, and he should disclose the names of the cleared men. This would facilitate their release and help finally shut down Guantánamo.” Leili Kashani added, “There continues to be no place our Algerian client, Mr. Djamel Ameziane, can go to air his fears of persecution if forcibly repatriated to Algeria. He is, however, an ideal candidate for resettlement in a safe country. He is educated, multilingual, healthy, optimistic, and very eager to begin rebuilding his life and dreams. ”
Despite the fact that there are 89 men currently cleared, this is the longest duration of time that has passed without a man being released since the detention center was opened nearly ten years ago. Only three men in total have been transferred out of Guantánamo over the last year, and one of these men was sent to Algeria against his will.
CCR and co-counsel CEJIL continue to represent detained men before the IACHR, with one precautionary measures case relating to all detained men (No. MC-259-02) and another relating to our client Mr. Djamel Ameziane (No. MC-211-08). CCR and CEJIL also represent Mr. Djamel Ameziane in a merits case (P-900-08) before the IACHR. The IACHR first issued precautionary measures specifically for Mr. Djamel Ameziane in August 2008.
CCR continues to encourage the IACHR to facilitate dialogue between the US government and the other members of the Organization of American States to find a safe resettlement option for Djamel Ameziane and the other detained men who fear forced repatriation and need a safe haven.
To learn more about Guantánamo and CCR’s client Djamel Ameziane, please see CCR’s factsheet Guantánamo by the Numbers: What You Should Know & Do About Guantánamo. The precautionary measures issued by the IACHR for Djamel Ameziane can be seen on his CCR case page. Also see the video recording of CCR and CEJIL’s October 2010 hearing before the IACHR.
The Center for Constitutional Rights works with communities under threat to fight for justice and liberation through litigation, advocacy, and strategic communications. Since 1966, the Center for Constitutional Rights has taken on oppressive systems of power, including structural racism, gender oppression, economic inequity, and governmental overreach. Learn more at