We're hiring! Legal Worker
We’re hiring! The Center for Constitutional Rights is looking for a legal worker to provide administrative, programmatic, and paralegal assistance as part of case and project teams in our Legal Department.
Applications are due January 6, 2021. Details, salary, benefits, and instructions on how to apply can be found on our website.
It's not too late to send messages of support to Ashley!
[caption align="right"][/caption]By now, many of you know the name of our courageous client Ashley Diamond, a Black trans woman who is currently incarcerated and experiencing brutal and unrelenting abuse and mistreatment by the Georgia Department of Corrections. Some of you even wrote messages of solidarity to Ashley telling her you stand with her in her struggle. Thank you! Your generous affirmations have lifted Ashley’s spirits, and ours! This outpouring of support from all corners of the world keeps us hopeful, too, as we fight for the health, safety, and dignity of trans people—and all incarcerated people—in Georgia prisons and beyond.
Building on a rich legacy of leadership and organizing by Black trans women, Ashley is using her voice for social change and to amplify the experiences of other incarcerated trans people. “This fight is not just my fight; it’s our fight. My hope is that the future is brighter for people like me,” Ashley said. “I hope this lawsuit forever changes the way transgender people in Georgia are treated.”
Send messages of affirmation and solidarity to Ashley on our website.